Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Four Tips for Using ZBiddy

ZBiddy is a unique and revolutionary auction site that has been designed as an alternative to traditional action sites and to traditional media outlets that sell products. If you are serious about getting a good deal then you will want to check out Zbiddy.com. The main draw of this website is that you are able to score amazingly low prices on high end consumer electronics. This site also puts the fun back into the auction process. In recent years, many auction type sites have lost some of their business because they have gotten away from their core of selling through auctions. ZBiddy brings back that feeling with a vengeance and allows you as a customer to experience the thrill of the chase in an auction and to bid on the products that you care deeply about.

When starting out with ZBiddy one of the best tips for sing ZBiddy is to monitor the site and see how it works. Since this is a brand new concept on a site, it is important to understand how it works before you begin the bidding process. Our system is simple, but it is still well worth your time to take a few moments to learn how the system works before you begin spending your hard earned money on the items, even though they are still amazing deals! The recommended monitoring process would be to find an item you are interested in, and watch it during the last hour of the auction. This will show you how quickly the item is bid on, how many people are bidding on it, and what an expected high bid price is for the item you are interested in.

Another tip for being successful at ZBiddy is to not spread your bids too thinly. When you register for your free account on Zbiddy.com you will have the opportunity to buy bids. You must purchase bids in order to spend your bids on an item. Ever bid costs $0.60 and you can buy the bids in packages of 45, 75, 300, 600, 800. Once you have bought these bids you will then be able to use these bids to actually place a bid on an item. In the hope of winning one of these items, it is important that you do not bid on too many items at once. This might cause you to be easily outbid. If you focus on one or two items, you will be able to wait around at the end of the auction to get your high bid in when you want it.

Another excellent tip is to wait until the end of the auction to place the majority of your bids. This is certainly within our policies and in fact, we encourage you to do this. This will ensure you are more likely to get the products that you want.

Finally, have fun on the site. ZBiddy can be a very fun shopping experience and it can be addicting. Once you score one of our excellent deals you will likely be coming back for more.